Sudah sebulan sejak Printerku rusak dan minggu depannya langsung beli printer baru karena kebutuhan untuk ngeprint skripsi, pilihanku jatuh sama Canon PIXMA iP 1700. Tiga hari yang lalu waktu jalan-jalan ke Dieng (salah satu plaza di Malang) lihat pameran komputer, aku lihat ada printer warna hitam, penasaran juga soalnya jarang-jarang ada printer berwarna hitam setelah tak dekatin ternyata printer hitam tersebut adalah printer terbaru dari Canon yaitu Canon PIXMA iP 1880, kata penjualnya PIXMA iP 1880 memang baru diluncurkan awal mei ini, dalam hatiku nyesal juga beli printer buru-buru tau gitu kalo bersabar aku bisa menikmati printer Canon versi terbaru dengan selisih beda harga hanya Rp 50.000.
Keunggulan yang ditawarkan Canon PIXMA iP 1880 seri terbaru ini adalah:
Dapat menghasilkan cetak kualitas terbaik karena Pixma memiliki butiran tinta superhalus 2 picoliter dan memiliki resolusi 4800 x 1200 dpi.
Teknologi printhead FINE (Full-photolithography Inkjet Nozzle Engineering) mampu mencetak dengan kecepatan tinggi.
Mampu mencetak ukuran foto sampai ukuran A4 tanpa tepi dengan waktu 70 detik.
Canon menjajikan cetakan foto yang dihasilkan PIXMA iP 1880 dapat bertahan hingga 100 tahun jika menggunakan tinta asli dari Canon, karena di printer PIXMA iP 1880 memiliki teknologi Chormalife 100.
Tapi herannya setelah saya bandingkan dengan Canon PIXMA iP 1700 yang saya miliki hampir semua teknologi yang di miliki Canon PIXMA iP 1880 hampir sama dengan Canon PIXMA iP 1700 seperti tingkat resolusinya, teknologi printhead FINE, dan kemampuan cetak foto yang tahan lama juga dimiliki Canon PIXMA iP 1700 (point ketiga belum pernah saya coba, soalnya nghabisin tinta warna), terus kalo gini Canon menghadirkan seri terbaru PIXMA iP 1880 untuk apa kalo teknologi yang dimiliki seri terbarunya sudah ada pada seri terdahulunya, perbedaannya hanyalah terletak dari desainnya yang berwarna hitam, apa hanya untuk mendongkrak penjualan printer nya, Canon hanya merubah desainnya saja?
untuk driver canon pixma 1880 bisa dilihat di htpp:// pilih bagian support & download, kemudian pilih bagian inkjet printers. Dan seterusnya Anda bisa pilih sendiri ya ...
asskum... p kbr ? kok lm g order or maen2 k harco? klo mo tnya2 hrg brg bisa via YM or e-mail d ato k 367027. k flexy jg bs d 7774995. thx b4. d tggu kbr e ya.
Resetting Epson Chip Printers for free. Resetting Epson Chip Printers for free. Yes, there is software out there that will allow you to reset your Epson Chip printers.
Before we go and give you the link we first want you to understand a few things:
1. This software is a very poweful piece of software and should not be used without first reading the accompanied instructions.
2. We have no stake in this software and there is no finacial benefit for our recommending it. We do recommend it because it is out there and works . We are in the ink business, not the chip reset business. Any way we can make it easier for you to refill benefits us greatly
3. Due to some recent architecure changes in chip design some printers can not have their chip reset with the softwa, but the software will allow you to store the values of a full status. If this alternative does not fufill your needs we do have available chip resetters by request.
SSC Service Utility download
This is How to Reset Canon Pixma iP 1880 : Waste Ink Counter Reset Manual for Service mode 1. Turn On iP1880 2. Push and Hold Resume button about 2 minutes 3. Release Resume button 4. Printer back to normal again Sofware
This is How to Reset Canon Pixma iP 1880 : Waste Ink Counter Reset Manual for Service mode 1. Turn On iP1880 2. Push and Hold Resume button about 2 minutes 3. Release Resume button 4. Printer back to normal again Sofware
Here's some tips for your Canon Pixma IP1000. I have two IP1000 printer, one is broken because the head need to be replaced, but the other is still powerful. I like this printer because the simple operational the low budget, the one that I like most is the fast printing. The problem that I have when using this printer is when the ink waste absorber is full, and he start to blink. Ok guys, Here's some tips for you who still use this printer.
How to physically change the ink waste absorber? Pixma ip1000 The waste ink absorbers can be found at the bottom of the printer case. Normally you'll have to open the printer case, loose the screws of the print unit and remove the hole print unit from the lower part of the printer case.
4 step to Reset waste ink tank counter CANON PIXMA iP 1000 STEP 1:- Disconnect printer from AC power STEP 2:- Press and HOLD the POWER button, and connect printer to AC power STEP 3:- release the the POWER button STEP 4:- Press the POWER button again
If your IP1000 Blinking try this Tips : Step 1: Manual for Service mode 1. Unplug POWER and USB cables. 2. Open door, PRESS and HOLD the POWER button. 3. Connect the POWER cable. 4. Close door, then release POWER button. 5. Power ON your printer a usual (It should not blinking anymore)
Step 2 : Software for Permanant 1. Reconnect the USB cable and turn ON your Printer 2. Open "General Tools for iP1500", Downloadh The Software here 3. Select (USB PORT) 4. Choose CLEAR WASTE INK COUNTER - MAIN 5. Choose CLEAR WASTE INK COUNTER - PLATEN It should be working, coz my printer now work normally
Notes. Before you decide to reseting the waste ink counter, you should really clean up the ink absorber, or else you will find the ink watse absorber overflow.. download sofware reset Choir,,numpang tanya dunk... gw jg pke canon ip1880,,trz gw gy butuh bgt ma "mirror image",,klo di epson ma Hp da tuch,,, kira2 di canon ip1880 da ga ya?? pliz bantuin ya... klo da yg tau jawabannya pliz bgt kirimin ke email gw: pliz bgt yaa...
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iya Diet, dah bersyukur pake IP1700 dah lumayan kok.. klo perlu dimodif dulu biar tambah irit tinta ;)